Sunday, March 30, 2008

Archers Of Loaf - "Web In Front" (1993)

Great rock and roll has a history of undecipherable lyrics, predating even Dylan - say, Little Richard. You don't need to understand the lyrics of this one from the Archers' debut Icky Mettle to get the sheer youth exuberance. Which is what this kind of music is all about, right?

It boasts Pixies/Pavement angular guitars, let's just call it the Television influence and get it over with. And college-rock emotionally-distant-yet-energetically-driven vocals. But why analyze it to death? This song will just make you feel great about your present hangups and make you wish you had enough drive and talent to form your own band just so you could rip them off. Something I'm sure happened a lot during their heyday (which I admit I missed - 1993, I was coming off Lou Reed and rediscovering fifties rock and roll and sixties soul).

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